My Second Opinion
I saw the senior doctor at a neurosurgery practice associated with the largest private hospital in my area. His opinion was completely DIFFERENT than the first doctor. Amazing.
Like the other doctor he said the only way to be sure what the tumor is is to operate. Unlike the other doctor he said that the MRI gives us a lot of good information and, from it, he can tell that the tumor is not serious. He would not operate now. He sees no reason to expose me to the risks are brain surgery. The tumor is likely one I was born with (heterotopia, also referred to as dysplasia which has a different meaning when referring to the brain. It does not mean precancerous.). When the brain is developing it's possible for some cells to not differentiate completely into the various types of cells in the brain. These cells can be together in a group and form a tumor. The fact that the tumor has not changed/grown in the last six months makes this diagnosis a likely possibility.
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