Running, Running, Walking, Walking...
Wow. What a week. Last night and early this morning my brain and body was running, running very fast. Then I talked to a friend who listened deeply to the pain I feel because I want to be safe and healthy and I want clarity around the best course of action to take to achieve this. So now I've slowed down a bit. Walking, walking.
I got to a place of believing that my need for clarity around the best course of action will be met over time. I can continue to gather information, but not at a frantic pace, and things will become clear. And gathering information can become one of the things I do rather than my total focus. I have also decided not to get surgery for at least three months, if I choose surgery. And I'm going to take a vacation from doctor visits next week. Shift my focus, move towards balance...
Good for you! I think waiting/watching is a very good option and with what happend to your dad and all it looks like all of you ( mind body etc) can use a break! Hope you find this balance and the strenght to cope with the stress from all that has happend and maybe even build up a spare for the stress to come.
Marlene, thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm finding it difficult to wait and watch, even for the three months. I need the time, and that the same time feel the stress around the brain tumor. I so much want more certainty and more clarity than is possible right now. And I am so aware that any approach I take has associated risks.
Martine, my apologies for misspelling your name in my previous post. Laurel
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